Michigan Tech Courses with Open Source Content
Course List[edit]
- ENG1102 - Engineering Fundamentals - Student OS designs
- FOSS101 - Essentials of Free and Open Source Software - A free course offered on canvas to teach Linux commands and the Git revision control system
- CS2321 - Data Structures - taught with eclipse, an open source Java IDE
- MSE4777/MSE5777/EE4777/EE5777 Open-source 3-D printing - teaches OpenSCAD, FreeCAD, Blender, Arduino, and RepRap 3-D printing
- UN5390/UN5395 - Scientific Computing - Set in a Linux environment, offers exposure to free and open source software to develop programming skills
- MY5490/EE5490 - Solar Photovoltaic Science and Engineering - teaches NREL's Open Source SAM
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